At last - some rain! Yesterday, we had the most wonderful day of downpours and showers. The only problem was that it was also the festival for our suburb, including the big parade in which all the local primary schools and clubs participate. The parade was due to start at 11:30 am and the rain began to fall at 10:45! As a House Captain, Zoe was one of the leaders in the parade, dressed as a scarecrow. The parade went ahead but all the children wore raincoats instead of the fantastic costumes that they had pur so much effort into. The wonderful art teacher, Bit, had been working for weeks on the design and completion of the school's presentation and it was hardly seen! Still, we all kept telling one another, we need the rain!

My Year 8 students celebrated World Maths Day by having a party with Maths-inspired food.

My state, Victoria, celebrated Labour Day last Monday so, like most of Melbourne, we went to the beach for the long weekend. Zoe's friend, Mia, came with us and the girls visited the Amazing Maze in Arthur's Seat. Lots of fun! We also caught up with friends, Liz, Baz, Bella and Charlie at the Sorrento Sailing Club.

I haven't written about any of my creative efforts lately, so thought I had better catch up now. Before going overseas, I finished the pink Rowan Kidsilk Haze jumper for Zoe and a lovely Jo Sharp garter stitch jacket for me. Both were great on our trip, although Zoe's pink jumper got more use than my jacket. It was also perfect for travelling as it was light but very warm, and went under lots of layers. I could have got by without mine but it was nice to have something different to put on occasionally.
Now I am knitting some convertible fingerless gloves for Zoe. The colour isn't very good in this picture - the wool is more green than this shows. If they work ok, then Zoe has asked me to make pairs for all of her friends as birthday presents. Luckily, they won't take long!
I made some delicious nectarine jam from my Uncle Allan's fruit. Zoe and I have been helping with the markets on most Saturdays - it's very enjoyable to be talking with customers and catch up with Allan and Judy. Mum has also been busy, now that she doesn't have so much Red Cross Fire Relief work to do - she's made fig jam, strawberry jam and plum sauce!

How did this happen? I can't seem to rotate this picture or get rid of it! Hmm.
We have been very busy reading - my friend, Leonie, lent me a wonderful book, "Three Cups of Tea" by Greg Mortenson and David Oliver Relin. A very inspiring account of Greg Mortenson's efforts to build schools in villages in Pakistan, with a focus on educating girls. It's wonderful and I strongly recommend it. Now, I'm wondering what I can do to help.
Tonight, I will finish reading "Little Women" to Zoe, and it has been lots of fun. Since this is the year of classic books, this one has been a great addition to our series. Greg and I are also making some selections for Zoe to read, to help her prepare for Year 7 next year. The first novel was "Goodnight Mr Tom" which she had begun to read while at Chelmsford. She's finished it and now can read something of her own choice: "Divine Madness" by Robert Muchamore.
Caught up with another couple of friends last night, including Christina. We are both missing book group so we think we'll start another one. Firstly, we will have to recruit some other members!