Greg has been busy with work, taking the role of principal during the week, along with all of the organisation and marking that goes with exam time. He has also completed most of his reports, so he has been very efficient. He went shopping for new clothes for his new job today, but didn't have a lot of luck.
Zoe went to a friend's house for a sleepover. They watched DVDs and stayed up far too late! At least it wasn't the 4 am bedtime that they all had last weekend at Mia's birthday party! Here is the very stylish cushion Zoe made for Mia. Mia learns piano with Zoe's piano teacher (and our very good friend) Leonie, so you can see she has piano keys on the fabric. She also barracks for Collingwood, as do we, so the black-and-white theme is very appropriate.
I made Zoe some pyjamas today - they are a little large! It's always hard to work out what size to make her clothes. She is quite small for her age, so I chose a smaller size, but it was obviously still too big in this pattern!
My gym hosted a premier of "Sex in the City" on Thursday night - lots of fun. It's not the cleverest or most original of films, but it pushed all the right buttons for me. It sparked a lot of discussion amongst the girls in my Yr 12 class on Friday. (The boys thought they were in heaven: Amelia had made choc chip cookies AND cupcakes, then Antra came in with more choc chip cookies still warm from the oven! It took a while to get them all on track with the task!)
Went out for dinner with my old school friend, Yvonne. It was lovely to catch up with her, and fun to see how much we've changed but how much we've also stayed the same.
I ran 21km this morning! The half-marathon is in two weeks so I left Freckle with Greg and ran along the bike path by the river into the city. I think I kept up a good pace, but I became very weary at about 16km. The rest of the day I have spent being very gentle with myself!
Besides all of this, I am keeping up with my marking, report writing and preparation, three knitting projects (!), and I have cut out a dress and skirt this afternoon.
Of course, we have all still had to keep up with the washing, vacuuming, grocery shopping, lawn mowing, cleaning, cooking....
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