Friday, October 31, 2008

Family Focus

We had a lovely Sunday afternoon spent in Yarra Glen with my mother's family - aunts, uncles, cousins, children, brothers...

It was such a great opportunity to catch up with everyone, and to celebrate two 40ths, a 60th and a 70th birthday. There was lots of eating, drinking, laughing, talking and playing.

Yarra Glen was a lovely setting, too.

At our last gathering, I had asked everyone to contribute to a family recipe book that I wanted to put together. This time, I was able to give everyone a copy of the result. I think it looks great and is full of delightful heirloom and modern recipes. I'm going to attach it here.


1 comment:

The Sacred Feminine said...

What a great idea with the family recipe book! Can't wait to you put it up:)
I hope you and the whole family is well!

Louise Popowitz